Source code for syncgitlab2msproject.cli

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Handle the Command Line Interface

import argparse
import functools
import logging
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from requests import ConnectionError
from typing import List

from syncgitlab2msproject import Issue, MSProject, __version__

__author__ = "Carli Freudenberg"
__copyright__ = "Carli Freudenberg"
__license__ = "MIT"

from syncgitlab2msproject.custom_types import WebURL
from syncgitlab2msproject.gitlab_issues import (
from syncgitlab2msproject.helper_classes import ForceFixedWork, SetTaskTypeConservative
from syncgitlab2msproject.sync import sync_gitlab_issues_to_ms_project

_logger = logging.getLogger(f"{__package__}.{__name__}")

[docs]def parse_args(args): """Parse command line parameters Args: args ([str]): command line parameters as list of strings Returns: :obj:`argparse.Namespace`: command line parameters namespace """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Sync Gitlab Issue into MS Project ") parser.add_argument( "--version", action="version", version="SyncGitlab2MSProject {ver}".format(ver=__version__), ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", dest="loglevel", help="set loglevel to INFO", action="store_const", const=logging.INFO, ) parser.add_argument( "-vv", "--very-verbose", dest="loglevel", help="set loglevel to DEBUG", action="store_const", const=logging.DEBUG, ) parser.add_argument( "--ignore-label", "-i", dest="ignore_label", help="Ignore Gitlab Issue with a match to the label", default="", type=str, ) parser.add_argument( "--force-fixed-work", dest="fixed_work", help="Set all synced issued to fixed_work, overwriting " "also already existing tasks", action="store_true", ) # TODO read from ENV parser.add_argument( "--gitlab-url", "-u", dest="gitlab_url", help="URL to the gitlab instance i.e.", default="", type=str, ) # TODO read from ENV parser.add_argument( "--gitlab-token", "-t", dest="gitlab_token", help="Gitlab personal access token", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( "gitlab_resource_type", help="Gitlab resource type to sync with", type=str, choices=["project", "group"], ) parser.add_argument( "gitlab_resource_id", help="Gitlab resource id to sync with", type=int, ) parser.add_argument( dest="project_file", help="Microsoft Project File to sync with", type=str, ) return parser.parse_args(args)
[docs]def setup_logging(loglevel): """Setup basic logging Args: loglevel (int): minimum loglevel for emitting messages """ # we are not as complicated as that we need %(name)s: logformat = "[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s" logging.basicConfig( level=loglevel, stream=sys.stdout, format=logformat, datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" )
[docs]def label_convert(label_string: str) -> str: """ Convert the label string for easier matches """ return label_string.lower().replace(" ", "")
[docs]def has_not_label(issue: Issue, label: str) -> bool: """ Give true if to include the issue as it has no ignored label Args: issue: to compare with label: to ignore Returns: True if to include the label """ if not label: return True for _label in issue.labels: if label_convert(_label) == label_convert(label): return False return True
[docs]def filter_by_labels(issues: List[Issue], label: str) -> List[Issue]: """ Filter out issues whoes label matches given one Note: Currently not used as filtering is done directly in the match to allow better debug messages Args: issues: origin label: to filter out Returns: filtered list of issues """ if not label: # Default for label is empty string, so in this case (or any other) # return the issues as they were return issues return list(filter(functools.partial(has_not_label, label=label), issues))
[docs]def main(args): """Main entry point allowing external calls Args: args ([str]): command line parameter list """ args = parse_args(args) setup_logging(args.loglevel) ms_project_file = Path(args.project_file) if not ms_project_file.is_file(): _logger.error( f"Could not open '{args.project_file}' - seems not to be a valid file." ) exit(128) _logger.debug("Starting loading issues") gitlab = get_gitlab_class(args.gitlab_url, args.gitlab_token) if args.gitlab_resource_type == "project": get_issues_func = get_project_issues elif args.gitlab_resource_type == "group": get_issues_func = get_group_issues else: raise ValueError("Invalid Resource Type") if args.fixed_work: sync_task_helper = ForceFixedWork else: sync_task_helper = SetTaskTypeConservative try: issues = get_issues_func(gitlab, args.gitlab_resource_id) except ConnectionError as e: _logger.error(f"Error contacting gitlab instance: {e}") exit(64) else: include_issue = functools.partial(has_not_label, label=args.ignore_label) with MSProject(ms_project_file.absolute()) as tasks: sync_gitlab_issues_to_ms_project( tasks, issues, WebURL(args.gitlab_url), sync_task_helper, include_issue )"Finished syncing")
[docs]def run(): """Entry point for console_scripts""" main(sys.argv[1:])
if __name__ == "__main__": run()