Source code for syncgitlab2msproject.funcions

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any

from .exceptions import MSProjectValueSetError

[docs]def raise_exception_if_not_datetime(obj) -> None: """ Raise an exception if input is not of required type Raises: GitlabSyncError """ if not isinstance(obj, datetime): raise MSProjectValueSetError( f"The object '{obj}' is of type {type(obj)} but datetime is required" )
[docs]def convert_to_int_or_raise_exception(value: Any) -> int: """ Convert the give value to int or raise an exception of not possible Raises: GitlabSyncError """ try: return int(value) except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: raise MSProjectValueSetError( f"Expected a value that can be converted to int, but " f"but value '{value}' of type {type(value)} can't be converted: {e}" )