Source code for syncgitlab2msproject.helper_classes

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Optional

from .gitlab_issues import Issue
from .ms_project import PjTaskFixedType, Task

[docs]class TaskTyperSetter(ABC): """ Abstract Base Class that is used to dynamically allow setting the task type """ def __init__(self, issue: Issue) -> None: self._type_before_sync: Optional[PjTaskFixedType] = None self._effort_driven_before_sync: Optional[bool] = None self._is_initial: bool = False self.issue = Issue
[docs] @abstractmethod def set_task_type_before_sync(self, task: Task, is_initial: bool) -> None: """ Function that is called at the beginning of the sync """
[docs] @abstractmethod def set_task_type_after_sync(self, task: Task) -> None: """ Function just before finishing the sync """
[docs]class SetTaskTypeConservative(TaskTyperSetter): """ Set Fixed Work as default creating a new task and before syncing any Task but make sure to reset to the original value (including Effort Driven Setting) after finishing the sync """
[docs] def set_task_type_before_sync(self, task: Task, is_inital: bool) -> None: if task.has_children: # Can't update tasks with children return self._type_before_sync = task.type self._effort_driven_before_sync = task.effort_driven self._is_initial = is_inital task.type = PjTaskFixedType.pjFixedWork
[docs] def set_task_type_after_sync(self, task: Task) -> None: if task.has_children: # Can't update tasks with children return if not self._is_initial: assert self._effort_driven_before_sync is not None assert self._type_before_sync is not None # Only update if required if task.type != self._type_before_sync: task.type = self._type_before_sync if task.effort_driven != self._effort_driven_before_sync: task.effort_driven = self._effort_driven_before_sync
[docs]class ForceFixedWork(SetTaskTypeConservative): """ No matter what always set Task Type to Fixed Work for all synced Task """
[docs] def set_task_type_after_sync(self, task: Task) -> None: # Make sure the everything is FixedWork by default by not resetting it pass